Sunday, March 16, 2008

Jesus Rocks the Vote

If I read one more line about who Jesus would vote for, I’m gonna snap.

The truth is, he wouldn’t vote for your candidate. I don’t care how much the guy on your bumper sticker reminds you of Bobby Kennedy circa 1967, Jesus still wouldn’t endorse him. Or her. Or whoever.

That goes for both liberals and conservatives. One side thinks abortion is keen; the other solves problems by sending in troops. You really think he’d sign up for either of these? He’d want to redeem the candidates, not stand beside them on a podium.

Jesus rocks the vote.

He calls into question all of our loyalties, our prejudices, our biases and beliefs. All of those dirty little rationalizations we tell ourselves while we’re standing behind the curtain, punching out chads.

Politicians compromise; Jesus does not. They dissemble; Jesus does not. They act in self-interest, they take revenge, they bargain, they backstab, and offer up that which is not theirs to give. Then they get caught in a hotel room with a high-priced hooker.

So go ahead and vote. But don’t slap your campaign sticker on Christ.

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